Kannada Rajyothsava was celebrated amidst great fervor.,the day highlighted the love and pride for the state and its language. This year rajyothsava celebrations were dedicated to Dr Rajkumar who was a well-known actor and singer in Karnataka and who contributed immensely to the Kannada film industry and with his singing and acting, he cast a spell on the audience. The flag was unfurled by Dr. Uday B Garudachar MLA Chickpet Constituency. The other guests who graced the occasion with their presence were Mr Abdul Azeem Chairman Karnataka Minority Commission and G Abdul Basheer Retired Professor and R Roshan Baig Chairman BET Institutions who were in their speeches highlighted the students should take initiative of learning Kannada language and encouraged to keep up the spirit of Kannada throughout the year while expressing their affection towards Kannada culture

Abdul Azeem was felicitated on his appointment as Chairperson of the Karnataka State Minorities Commission. And Prof G Abdul Basheer recipient of Nadaprabhu Kempegowda Award 2019 were felicitated on the occasion.

The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by Shabana A Lakkund and singing of the State song.