Our college has crossed watershed milestone in the very journey to attain the destination of committed and devoted administration to impart quality education by going for ISO 9001:2015 under the guidance of Mr A V Rajendra Management Consultant.

Institution will be in full compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard and will implement a comprehensive customer focused ISO 9001 2015 Quality management system. This means that all aspects of the college’s operations including support services, that directly or indirectly relate to education and training will be part of college’s Quality Management system.




Our college has crossed watershed milestone in the very journey to attain the destination of committed and devoted administration to impart quality education by going for ISO 9001:2015 under the guidance of Mr A V Rajendra Management Consultant.

Institution is in full compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard and has implemented a comprehensive customer focused ISO 9001 2015 Quality management system. This means that all aspects of the college’s operations including support services, that directly or indirectly relate to education and training are a part of college’s Quality Management system.

Year 2021

February 4th and 17th 2021

ISO 9001:2015 Recertification

Recertification audit was conducted to evaluate the continued fulfillment of all the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. ISO implementation is maintained at a high level  and Quality management system ( QMS ) is rooted in the processes and procedures of our institution.

Year 2017

November 4th 2017:

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Implementation Training Course for the staff

An effective training session was conducted to develop the knowledge and skill required to implement an ISO 9001:2015 quality management system(QMS) by Mr AV Rajendra ISO certified consultant who guided the staff on ways of using a step-by step approach, create necessary documentation, monitor QMS and achieve continual quality improvement. The training course gave a good understanding of what ISO 9001:2015 is and how to be used in an easy way to understand and comprehend.