November 2017

Teaching Quality Matters

Teaching quality matters October 26th 2017- Dr Mushtaq Ahmed The session began with retrieval of information on the lecture on Cleanliness that was given on September 28th. Teachers present retrieved knowledge and information that they [...]

October 2017

Knowledge Sharing Lecture

Brain storming session - Knowledge sharing Lecture – October 7th 2017 Learning the difference between wisdom and knowledge and how we gain wisdom will benefit us as individuals and our students as we teach them [...]

February 2017

Knowledge Sharing Lecture – Quality Vs Quantity

February 4th - Knowledge sharing lecture by Dr Mushtaaq Ahmed on Quality Vs Quantity (External IQAC Member) of our college and How to Improve intake by Mr Akbar Iqbal Vice Principal Huda Group of Institutions.

January 2017

Annual Self Review

The Goals, Accomplishments Equation: Conducting an Annual Self-Review. Accomplishments are the indicators that we have met our goals, and goals give us the motivation to have accomplishments. A year-end review of accomplishments was held on [...]

December 2016

Neuro Linguistic Programming

December 3rd 2016 Knowledge sharing lecture Knowledge sharing lecture on "Neuro Linguistic programming" was conducted by Mr Rafiulla Baig a famous handwriting and memory expert, who spoke on importance of well trained and well supported, [...]

November 2016

Knowledge Sharing Lecture – Body Language

Knowledge sharing lecture – November 5th 2016 by Mr Rafiullah Baig certified handwriting analyst, and a body language and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) expert. Body language impacts a great deal of how we communicate, and can [...]